

Injection Therapy

acupuncture point injection therapy is a perfect delivery system for body nourishment 


In the modern acupuncture methods from China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan, we have used injection therapy for pain, fatigue, immune function, degeneration of joints, weight loss and arthritis and so on as a wet acupuncture to bring fast pain relief and rapid balancing the body. Injection therapy solutions are mostly injectable forms of herb, vitamins, and minerals. Because we use those natural health substances into acupuncture channel and points, the delivery of natural remedies has become highly effective and convenient for people who need them. 

Trigger point injection with acupuncture for pain

Great for athletes, chronic pain in the muscle, after auto accident pain and tensions, and all situations of the pain in the muscles. More dramatic pain relief than dry acupuncture alone.

Acupuncture point injection therapy


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B Complex + amino acids blend

Own Whole blood as medicine



Cutis compositum



Neuralgo rheum

Joint collagen




Aesthetic injection therapy with homeopathic collagen

Collagen facial acupuncture is also highly naturally effective beauty therapy, it is recommended for mild to moderate facial sagging, fine to moderate wrinkles and overall complexion. It is mostly done on the chest, neck and facial acupuncture points in the depth about 1mm subcutaneously to supplement collagen directly into the skin layer to promote younger look naturally. There are no known side effects, unless patient is allergic to collagen products.

Looking for a Dr.Tan style balance method acupuncturist?

Dr.Eurie Kazlaskia is a The Academy of Acupuncture Certified Balance Method Acupuncturist

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(303) 902-6235

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2600 South Parker Road #4-140
Aurora, CO 80014